IT Strategy

Strategy to help your business

  • Strategic Alignment (IT Strategy)

The successful implementation of a Business Plan requires to a large extent a solid IT Strategic Plan. We can help you build a plan that is fully aligned with your stated business goals. We focus on people, process and technology and we aim to develop an IT organisation fit to provide IT service excellence.

We help you identify initiatives, classify and plan them according to the benefits they bring to your organisation; such initiatives cover Systems Applications, IT Infrastructure, IT Policies and Procedures, and People. Typically, the IT roadmap includes:

Quick Wins – these are ‘low hanging fruits’ that bring immediate benefits to your organisation in a short time and at a low cost.

Short Term projects planned over next 6 to 12 months that address the core of the strategy.

Long Term projects which are planned over years 2 and 3; these ensure that the organisation keeps an eye on future developments in the industry and in the IT sector.

  • Value Delivery

We help in ensuring that IT delivers the promised benefits against your IT strategy, concentrating on optimising costs and proving the intrinsic value of IT. Our team of consultants assists in deriving value from IT in the following key areas: IT budgeting, project steering committee, software development life cycle and project management office, business case development and project risk assessments.

  • Resource Management

We help optimise your investment in, and the proper management of, critical IT resources: processes, people, applications, infrastructure and information. Our team will assist you in developing your outsourced services register, IT assets inventory, IT organisation structure, human resource processes, vendor management processes and IT architecture review processes.

  • Risk Management

With the proliferation of complex technologies in many organisations, proactive management of technology risk should be considered as a priority. We have significant experience of guiding organisations in mitigating IT risk, from development of IT risk registers and conducting risk workshops, to providing guidance on how to set up an effective risk mitigation plan based on the organisation’s risk appetite. Our specialists also help you in implementing effective business continuity and information security management systems.

  • Performance Measurement

Our experts assist in developing a performance measurement system which tracks and monitors strategy implementation, project completion, resource usage, process performance and service delivery. Our team will extend their support in formulating IT staff performance contracts, key vendor service level agreements, IT key performance indicators, IT service management reports and capacity forecast process.

Our Team

Feizal Jownally

Feizal Jownally

Managing Partner - IT Governance & Consulting
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Yaveen Marday

Yaveen Marday

Manager - IT Governance & Consulting
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