Sylvie Greco
In the recent years, many countries (including UK, France and Mauritius) have moved towards passing legislation that allows them to investigate, prosecute and sanction organisations involved in bribery and corruption. One of the main developments of the Mauritian Anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism Act 2020 (which amended, amongst others, the Prevention of Corruption Act 2002) is the introduction of corporate liability for corruption offences.
Our team of Legal Consultants assist local and international organisations in complying with the Anti-Corruption regulations and standards and help them identify the bribery and corruption risks they are exposed to through our new Anti-Bribery Risk Assessment Tool.
We provide a wide range of services to implement and monitor an effective Anti-Corruption Programme. These services include, among others:
Click on the link to learn more about our services:
Moreover, our experts at BDO IT Consulting have developed a Free Self-Assessment Tool which will allow organisations to rate their current level of compliance within key areas highlighted in the local and international Anti-Corruption laws, regulations and standards.
You can download our Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) - Free Self-Assessment Tool available here:
Any organisation that wants to protect its reputation and assets and implement a strong culture of Compliance, Due Diligence and Good Corporate Governance must have in place an internal reporting channel also known as Whistleblower Channel. In addition, more and more regulations are imposing the need for these reporting channels. For example, the new European Directive on Whistleblower Protection considers its implementation mandatory in public entities and in private companies of more than 50 employees.
Within this framework, BDO IT Consulting has launched a broad range of whistleblowing services, including:
Click on the links below to learn more about our Ethics and Compliance Channel services.
Sylvie Greco