Business Restructuring/ Insolvency

Corporate recovery

In times of bankruptcies and insolvencies, it is critical to have the right advisor. We help companies to preserve the value of their assets or businesses addressing a wide range of litigation issues and work with debtors, secured creditors, employees or their representatives as well as law firms.
We  work with company’s management team and  all other stakeholders concerned to come with the most appropriate and efficient solution  in preserving  the value of the business , protect creditors, safeguard the interest of the employees whilst staying within the parameter of the Insolvency Act.
Our professionals have significant experience in handling expeditiously, complex and financially distressed situations.
  • Administration
Companies which are unable to pay their debts can have recourse to voluntary administration. Our role as administrators is to protect the business from being exposed to legal actions and continues in existence as much as possible and if not possible  to devise a strategy to bring about a better return for creditors and shareholders instead of being wound up.
  • Receivership
We act as receivers appointed by Banks, financial institutions and other secured creditors in recovering their assets charged
  • Liquidation
We are experienced in liquidation procedures and provide advice on all types of corporate insolvencies in the form of Voluntary (members or creditors) or Court Winding ups.
Creditors voluntary arrangement/ compromise (CVA)
Instead of engaging in a formal insolvency procedures, distressed companies sailing towards Insolvencies, may have an alternative solution.
Our experienced team acts quickly and collaboratively to help businesses with a cost effective creditors arrangement.
The team has significant experience in drafting, proposing and managing creditor compromises in an efficient manner.
Turnaround and restructuring
The earlier we start advising under-performing and financially troubled businesses, the wider the range of options that are available to implement a suitable turnaround strategy.
We help troubled companies turnaround their businesses through financial restructuring and reorganisation, disposal of the whole or part of the business.
Feizal Allybokus

Feizal Allybokus

Accounting Services/ Business Restructuring
BDO Financial Services
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Georges Chung

Georges Chung

Managing Partner
BDO Financial Services
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Kim Lo Voon

Business Restructuring and Financial Reporting
BDO Financial Services
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